Monday, November 9, 2009

Happy Monday!

I hope you all are having a wonderful day!

It was hard to leave the house this morning... Mama, Merry, and Owen were asleep in our room, Gracie was sawin' logs in Molly's room, and Livie was up in her room doing math problems; I just wanted to stay there with you all! Oh, well. Gotta make that rent.

It is possible, however not certain, that I will have to work this coming Saturday. If so, perhaps you all could pile into the minivan and come out to Vernal. We could stay in a nice hotel and go to the Dinosaur Museum! HOWEVER... if I don't have to work this Saturday, I will be coming home, and we'll just have to have tons of fun at our house! Either way, we're in for a great weekend. (you're welcome, Mama).

It's bathtime! Everyone in the tub!



  1. I fergot to let you know the children's reactions to this morning's nonsense about going to the dino museum. It was a loud loud morning of yippi yippie woo hoo and what not

  2. oop. Yeah. The museum is closed on Sundays. Oh, well. Waddayagonnado?
