Friday, November 20, 2009

Thank Goodness It's Friday!

My sweet and saucy family -

Would you all like to read a coupla good jokes? Well, sorry. I don't know any GOOD jokes! Just kidding! Here ya go:

What color is a burp?


Why didn't anyone want to sleep with Daddy Dinosaur?
Because he was a Bronto-snore-us!
What is the best thing to put in a pie?
A fork!
What's invisible and smells like bananas?
Monkey burps!
Ha ha ha ha ha! I love those jokes! I hope you laughed, or smiled, or giggled at them.
It's gonna be a long weekend, let me tell you. I will be missing you all so very much. BUT! Next weekend will be wonderful! Thanksgiving dinner at Aunt Jill's, movies, popcorn, and other fun times! You kids are my precious gems; my sweets; me hearties; my loves.
God bless you and keep you.
Love and smoochies,
Pappy O'Pash

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