Monday, October 12, 2009

Busy Busy Busy!

Hello family!

Well, today was a busy day. I woke up at 2:01am after Mama tickled my bum with her foot (my alarm clock woke her up). I got out of bed at 2:30am or so after it became clear that Mama would not be tickling me anymore. After a quick breakfast I hit the road and drove 186 miles to get to work! I stopped once for coffee near the Tardif's ranch in Duschene, and once again so that a family of desert elves could cross the road...

ANYway, we worked and worked from 7:00am until 6:30pm tonight! It took a loooonnnng time to check in to our motel (same one as last week), and I've just sat down to write after showering off the dirt and dust from the day. It is 8:17pm, and you all should be asleep! Grace, Olivia, and Owen should at LEAST be in bed, and Mama and the Bear should be snugglin' in the Mama Bear cave down in the basement. I hope you all are comfy cozy in your rooms/cave. I'm getting ready to hit the sack as well. We're going to be rully busy tomorrow morning and I need to sleep so I'll be well rested for the challenges of the day.

I hope you all enjoyed Nana's visit; she loves you all so very much. She would LOVE to get a "Thank you for visiting!" card from the Utah grandchirren. Maybe you all could work on that some evening this week?

Well, it's time to say ni' night: "Ni' Night".

I love you all,

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