Monday, October 26, 2009

Manic Monday


I am so very pleased to be in the motel room and writing to my family! Each of you occupy a very special place in my heart. I can't imagine a life without Gracie, Livie, Owie, Merry, and Mommy. I am filled with joy when I see you. Somebody up there likes me.

We were sooo busy today that I didn't get to eat lunch! Can you guess how grumpy I was? If you guessed "super-duper grumpy", you are correct!

I'm waiting for my dinner to cool off as I write these words; in a few short minutes I'll be super-duper happy.

I have no family pitchers to share tonight. So... howzabout THIS:

This image is from in case you were wondering.

I love my family (that's you!),


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