Thursday, October 22, 2009


Thanks for letting me know what you're all up to! How many baby teeth do you have left, Olivia? Can't be many!

Hey Owen, do you think we can play a little T-Ball this weekend? Maybe the girls will want to hit a few, too...

Gracie: Laffy Taffy will get that molar out for ya'... trust me, I've been there.

Mary: Hallooooooooooo!

Mama: Smoochiesqueeziesnugglenibblebite! Mmmmm.

I can't wait to see you all. I'm hoping to be back tomorrow night, BUT we may have to work Saturday for a little while. We'll see...

Everyone give Mama a kiss!
Everyone give Mary a kiss!
Everyone give Owen a kiss!
Everyone give Olivia a kiss!
Everyone give Gracie a kiss!
Everyone blow me a kiss!

Love yer bones,


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